Wednesday, March 5, 2008

September 11th 2001

On September 11, 2001 two airplanes were hijacked and crashed into the World Trade Center. One plane was crashed into each tower. Also another two planes were hijacked and one was crashed into the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia near Washington, DC. Passengers and crew members tried to fight the hijackers so the plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Then President Bush made a statement and said "This crusade, this war on terror is going to take a while". After Bush said that many people were worried that the war would be against people who are not responsible. Using the word crusade made some people worried that they would be attacked for something they didnt do. The Crusades were wars fought between the Muslims and the Catholics for a place called Palestine. This place was Jesus was buried and it was important to both religious groups. It was a bad idea to call it a crusade because the crusades were religious wars and not an attack for terrorism.

Jasmine and Heyris

Thursday, January 3, 2008

How Did Hellenistic Culture Start?

Hellenistic culture first started when King Phillip the Second conquered Ancient Greece. King Phillip was then killed by one of his body guards because he thought he was unstoppable. Then the body guard was killed. After Phillip the second was killed his son Alexander The Great took over. Alexander the great said that he was going to finsh what his father started. Alexander had the best bodyguards. The only thing he didnt have was the navy ships. Alexander the great conqured new lands including Persia, Egypt and all the land to India. The combination of all conquered cultures formed a new culture called the Hellenistic Culture.